Nestled in among a spate of exciting announcements in the Dead by Daylight anniversary broadcast, it was revealed that Ikumi Nakamura, known for her work on Bayonetta and The Evil Within, has designed three new Dead by Daylight skins for the horror game. The skins are part of the wider Artists from the Fog collection, in which four members of the DBD community were picked to design their own skins, and celebrate the key moments in Japanese horror lore.
The three characters chosen by Ikumi all resonate with the Japanese fanbase, and were specifically picked for this reason: The Oni, The Legion’s Susie, and Yui Kimura. The Oni’s skin, Blind Fury, sees the killer blinded by dripping candle wax, and is inspired by both the character’s own lore, and a mass murder that took place in Japan.
The Legion mains will no doubt be excited to hear of a new outfit for Susie, with the four Legion characters having to split cosmetics between them, leaving them with less attention than other killers. This killer’s outfit is inspired by the Sukeban, another name for girl gangs in Japanese schools, hence her schoolgirl attire. Ikumi felt as though the gang theme fitted perfectly with The Legion’s own backstory.
Finally, the only survivor skin designed by Ikumi, the Yui Kimura skin is possibly the most closely connected to the artist herself. As the game’s own motorcycle gang leader, Yui Kimura represents Ikumi’s own love of bikes, and her Dark Racer outfit features comfy and well-fitting clothes to maximise mobility both on the back of her bike and while trying to escape a killer. She also has a red scarf wrapped around her leg, which I assume comes in handy for street drag races.
The remaining Artists from the Fog outfits can be obtained for Felix and Yun Jin, as well as The Twins and The Huntress. The community winners hail from around the globe, coming from Canada, America, Poland, and Spain.
Other announcements from the anniversary stream included the usual string of events, an exciting new fix for Dead by Daylight survivor disconnection, and we’re sure you’ve already heard that Nicolas Cage is coming to the game. No, you didn’t dream it. Before you can get your hands on these cool new skins, find out where each of these killers sits in our DBD killer tier list, and check out the new DBD killer, The Singularity. Oh, and don’t miss our updated list of the new DBD codes.