Nintendo went from having a reputation of being very strict about what was allowed and not allowed to release on its platforms to not having a care in the world with the Nintendo Switch. The latest example of this is the release of Hentai Uni, a very NSFW game that not only released recently via the Nintendo eShop but was on the front page of the Nintendo Switch digital storefront. Not only is the game inappropriate, but it looks low in quality, making its front page feature even stranger.
The game is only $2.49, and according to the official description on its Nintendo eShop page, it’s “a puzzle game that can be played with one hand.” The description adds that it features “four girls and twelve beautifully drawn scenes [that] will cheer you up and help you relax!” In addition to this, it also boasts “over 60 exciting levels.”
Publisher Big Way does not include a trailer on the game’s eShop page, but it does note that it requires 352 MB of space and supports the following languages: Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and American English.
The advertisement of being able to play with one hand should tell you everything you need to know about the game, and it’s unclear why Nintendo allowed the title on the Nintendo eShop other than for the fact it’s previously allowed similar titles in the past.
As you would expect, the game’s release on Nintendo Switch has been getting attention this week, but so far it remains available on the Nintendo eShop and Nintendo has not said a word about any of the chatter it has created. If this changes, we will be sure to update the story accordingly.
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