Looking for the location of all the Diablo 4 Strongholds? Wandering aimlessly around Sanctuary, you will discover one of these bastions of evil. A fortified location housing Lilith’s minions, Strongholds are one of the toughest challenges you’ll face out in the open but can reward you with high-end gear if conquered.
A new mechanic introduced with Diablo 4, Strongholds are similar to a dungeon, only they’re housed in the overworld. There are intense groups of enemies, bosses, and missions to complete in the area, and completing a Stronghold will reward you with XP, high-end gear, and Renown, and will also transform the site into a new town hub, complete with vendors and side quests to complete. With the Diablo 4 release date rapidly approaching, read up on these difficult encounters so you’ll be prepared for when the time comes.
Fractured Peak Stronghold locations
There are three Strongholds in Fractured Peak, each containing a particular type of evil held in that corner of the map. Here are the Diablo 4 Strongholds in Fractured Peak:
The Nostrava Stronghold is located to the west of Kyovashad. You’ll come up against the crazed village folk that once inhabited the area, and will be tasked with destroying the Demonic Effigies that have turned the village sour. Once the effigies have been dispatched, you’ll face off against three powerful demons.
Kor Dragan
Kor Dragan is infested with all manner of the undead, with ghouls and vampires being the main opponents you’ll face off against in this Stronghold. You’ll have to purge the area of the vampiric presence by destroying the flesh orbs dotted around the area. Once that’s done, head down into the crypt and you’ll face off against Nilcar.
Situated east of Kyovashad, Malnok is where the Ice Clan calls home. You must find the source of the storm that’s ravaging the area, and you’ll do that by defeating all of the Ice Clan Stormcallers. Once the storm has died down, you’ll have to take on Frosthorn.
We’ll be adding more Diablo 4 Strongholds as we find them, but for now, make sure you liberate as much of the Fractured Peak as you can for a chance at the best Diablo 4 loot, making the best Diablo 4 Rogue builds a lot easier to craft.